Rode Magic today. His tracking on the right rein is improved. That is, he is bending more in the right direction though the problem still exists. My treatment when I feel the problem is to immediately ride a small circle in the direction he should be bending. I notice it most on the long leg of the oval exercise. We rode the needlepoint, oval and circle exercises. We trotted the canter set-up poles but the cross poles must not be challenging because Magic and Newt both just trot the whole thing. I pushed him into a canter. He took the left lead as he always does. We cantered two rounds of the arena and two rounds of the circle. At first I just had to push him faster and faster until he cantered. His response to the cue to canter is improving. We rode up to the top of Shirey Mountain, half around the top and down the middle. Magic is very calm on the trail. He does not look for spooks. In fact, he ignores some that I notice. I mowed the trails on Shirey a few days ago. The deer flies are a bother now. I think Magic is ready for his first trail ride on the Buffalo.