Thursday, September 29 2011

I rode Little More today. It has probably been over a year since I rode him. He has a lameness that is not noticeable at a walk. At a trot he drops the off hind hip and there is no improvement. Little More is such a nice horse. I am going to work him at a walk and see if he can do that with no discomfort or deterioration of his mobility.
Little More soliciting Sophie and Maggie
Little More loves good people

He would be such a nice trail horse and I know he would enjoy it. He loves people more than any horse I have known. Little More is what is known as a true “War Horse” in the Thoroughbred world having run 54 races and winning over $150,000. Sadly there is great temptation to get one more win out of a horse like that and they run them until the horse is broken. Little More does not have to run any more races. We did have a very nice ride walk today.