Sunday, February 13 2011

Went to pick up Magic. We visited at the barn with my niece Linda Fox and her husband Tom and son Will. It is a very nice barn with lots of nice people. Magic did not want to load. He was getting good at not loading. Everybody helped and showed great patience. We worked on it for hours and finally Ray Voglepohl, the owner of the barn, came. Everybody said “Watch out! The big guns have come to do the job. The horse always loads.” Ray was not heavy handed and he was effective, Magic got in the trailer. Lots of help. We built a corral behind him and just pushed him in. The danger would be if the horse fought hard the corral panels could hurt somebody. But Magic did not fight and it worked. Thanks to Tom Barnard, Will Fox, John Fox, Clair, Theresa, Ray and others. I was in a difficult and embarrassing situation and everybody showed kindness, concern, patience and a desire to help.

I rode Magic in the arena. Everything was negative at the trailer and I just wanted something positive to happen. I was very pleased with the ride. Magic is a nice horse. (the positive experience did not help when we got back to the trailer.)

Magic had a hard time accepting the situation. When we got to Perryville, 15 minutes, he was kicking, pawing, and dripping sweat. I was very concerned. It can go bad in the trailer. I was looking for a Vet in Conway to administer a tranqualizer. It was Sunday and we never found one willing. Thankfully when we got to Conway, Magic was over his extreme anxiety and was dry. We arrivied home about 8:30pm. Could not make the turn at the mailbox because of the snow and ice. Had to go down to the Y and return to approach the driveway directly. Magic and I were both happy to get him in his stall.