Friday, March 25 2011

Groomed and rode Magic out to the arena. We rode the 20 meter circle 3 rounds at the walk and 3 at the trot in both directions. Then we walked the arena in both directions. Magic did very good. Very willing to move forward. Then we rode all the way around the Oak pasture. Magic never made a bad move or had a bad thought. He is a nice horse. He is very calm. Most horses that calm also have a lack of energy, but Magic, like I said, is very willing to move forward. Riding him is fun.

The trail ride around the Oak pasture is a goal that is important to me. It was very easy to get Magic that far. Newt is doing good but I don’t know if I will be comfortable riding him in a situation like that. I have had close encounters with deer, quail, armadillos and rattle snakes on that ride. I probably could have ridden Magic with no trouble on that ride much sooner but, if you make a mistake with a horse, sometimes it has lasting effects. I made a mistake with Magic at the Saline County Fairgrounds. We will get past that problem but I want to avoid making mistakes caused by moving too fast and putting him in a situation that he can’t handle. We’ve got plenty of time and patience.

He put two feet in the trailer again today and lifted a back foot to step in. Making progress.