Magic and I rode this morning. We did just about the same thing we did yesterday. I enjoyed every step of the way.
Sunday, March 18 2012
Magic and I rode this morning. We worked the cavaletti on the lunge. I have a set of 3 poles set for trotting. Magic is skilled in putting his feet where he wants them. Now that he is comfortable with these poles, if he is paying attention, he places his feet precisely in the middle where they should be. The canter set-up jump has produced the correct lead several times but he is not comfortable with the situation. These poles are two strides apart, not one like the three poles. I remembered that Julian Westall said to bring this combination in gradually and that I had not allowed him to practice these two poles without the jump. So I have set the second pole on the ground. Magic did show some lack of understanding of this distance by trying to do three strides. We did do the canter setup and he took the right lead correctly and did three rounds. He has not relaxed at the canter yet and still has a little too much speed. I want to be careful and not create a problem by cantering on the lunge too much before he settles down.
We worked in the arena. I painted the marks for the 20 meter circle in the arena this morning. It was fun to ride this exercise with Magic again. We have improved.
We rode up on Shirey Mountain. Justin put a tall, about 210 feet, deer stand on a platform in the middle of the oat patch on Shirey. It has a canvas cover with widows that have flaps to cover them or hang loose like they are now. It was flapping and snapping in the wind. Magic eyed it carefully and we went on our way. Magic has confidence. I enjoy riding him.
Saturday, March 17 2012
Magic and I rode this morning. We worked on the lunge with cavaletti. Magic is improving. He took the correct leads off the little jumps. We cantered about three rounds each way. It was warm. Magic is shedding. It was a short ride.
Newt and Little More were in the pasture where I have the cavaletti set up and I wanted to move them before Magic and I went in. Somehow in the transition, Newt went into the Sycamore pasture but Little More decided that he would go to the oak barn. Newt has a history of going bonkers when he is left alone which he considers “abandoned”. I noticed what was happening and set about fixing the problem. Newt ran around the pasture and would slide to a stop at the gate. I was concerned that he might hurt himself as ridiculous as it seems. When I went to get him he did have a small cut on his head. He has issues that are difficult to deal with. He is nice in the barn but goes off the deep end for the smallest provocation.
Wednesday, March 14 2012
Magic and I went to ride the Old River Trail on the Buffalo at Ponca today. The river was too high (14 inches airspace at Ponca Bridge) and everybody had left when I got there and I was 10 minutes early. Anyway I found Susan House in Ponca and we rode up above Ponca to some of her family’s old places. Bill Kenter, Margorie Heacock and Ginger Richard also rode with us. It is a steep climb up the hill. Magic was a little fidgety at first but settled down and walked up the hill and worked up a sweat. I think the horses enjoy these social trail rides. They like to see all the other horses. Occasionally a horse, usually a mare, shows irritation about the other horses but most of them get along like they are old friends. It seems to improve Magic’s attitude, even days later. We went down the Clark Creek Spring Trail to the spring and returned. It was a nice ride.
Tuesday, March 13 2012
Magic and I had a great ride this morning. We worked on the lunge over cavalitti. I put some corral panels after the little set up canter jumps. Magic took both leads correctly! We only cantered a little (one round) as this is new activity for us. He is trotting the cavalitti with big, high strides, placing his feet deliberately. We rode a little in the bull pen working on going straight, transitions and stops. I feel progress. We rode around the Ash pasture. Magic is just the horse I need. We are learning.
Monday, March 5 2012
Magic and I rode this morning. We worked on the lunge line with the cavaletti and small jumps. Magic handles trotting the ground poles with ease. We moved to the small jumps whose purpose is to get the correct lead “every time”. It did not work for Magic. He really likes that left lead. We rode the ground poles and perimeter of the Bull pen and then in the Ash pasture. We spooked some deer but they did not spook Magic. He was very well behaved today. It was a good, but short, ride.
Trail from Cedar Glade to Pruitt
Saturday, March 3 2012
Magic and I went on a trail ride with BRBCHA. We rode from Pruitt upstream. It was a workday for trail maintenance but not heavy work. Magic has become very good on these trail rides. He loads very good if the trailer height is 14″ or less. I can tie him to the trailer and go to the bathroom. When we first went on rides he would get nervous at times but experience has solved all his jitters. I can stay behind to do some work on the trail while the main group rides ahead without having a fidgety horse. Underneath all the calmness is a horse willing to go forward when asked. Magic is a very good horse. We rode about 14 miles in 50 degree weather with high winds. The winds on the Buffalo are not as severe as here on Pinnacle Mountain.
I did a bad thing. Ted Spears was riding beside me as we rode along a gravel road headed back to the trail after lunch at Cedar Grove picnic area. He asked me if I had ever let Magic run. I said no and certainly not on a gravel road. He said “Come on John”, spurred his horse and took off. I had not been in this situation in 50 years but it all came back quick. Magic and I were off! Ted passed some riders on the left and I went on the right. Magic was under control as a horse veered away from Ted into our path. We got past them with no injury and caught Ted in about two strides. It was fun to see the wind knock his hat off as we passed. It was soon clear that we won and I pulled Magic up with no trouble. Horse racing in this situation was a bad thing. It is dangerous to the horses and very inconsiderate of the other riders and their safety. I did apologize and promised never to do it again. Magic was very well behaved during the whole thing. I am very lucky that he suffered no injury. I hope to resist any such temptation in the future.
Wednesday, February 22 2012
I rode Glory again today. I learned something today also. Magic may not be the nicest horse when I am on the ground but he is a dream to ride. It is a challenge to me to work with Glory and get her where she steers like Magic. On a normal size horse a rider straddles the horse. On Glory it is more like I am perched up there. Her moves are so powerful that I seem to bounce around. I have a lot of improvement to make. Glory has shown me several specific things I need to improve. We will work on it.
Magic is better today. I was not able to identify any area of heat. Not as specific as yesterday. He limped a little when he came out of the stall this morning but the first few steps out of the stall are often irregular for many horses. I did not see any lameness tonight. He cantered from the gate into the barn.
Tuesday, February 21 2012
I rode Glory today. I learned something. When I was grooming, tacking up and doing ground work, all I could do was think “Wow, Glory is really nice.” Nice like considerate, kind. Glory is 2,000 pounds of nice. Kinda makes me think that the horse I have been hanging around for the past year has been taking advantage of my good nature. Yes Mr Magic, I am talking about you. Magic is very well behaved when I am on his back but on the ground he might think of me more as a target. I just rode Glory in the round pen. It has been a long time since I was on her. (I just checked this blog and it has been 7 months.) It seems like my legs would have to move a long way to change which end of Glory I am effecting. I expect that Glory and I will have more subtle cues than swinging my leg way back on her barrel. I enjoyed Glory and look forward to tomorrow.
I checked Magic for heat and swelling on all of his legs. The only thing I detected was heat on the off front (as expected). The heat was located high on the front of the hoof and possibly up into the pastern. At least it seemed to also be warm up at the coronary band and an inch or so above. The lameness was better today but still noticeable.