I did almost exactly the same thing with Magic today as we did yesterday. He was good, just like yesterday. It was foggy which seems to make horses less comfortable than when they can see everything. Magic had a little spook just as we were leaving the barn. There were dogs around and I stopped to get a glove from the little hay trailer that I pull with the four wheeler. Magic took the opportunity to get a bite of hay. When he got the bite, a little odd looking root / stick that I had picked up fell. I don’t think it was visible until it fell and it was odd looking, snake like. Anyway he spooked a little and stepped on my foot. When a horse steps on the handler’s foot it is often interpreted as a sign of disrespect. I expect that I would be described as lenient with animals I train. I have friends that demand the best behavior and they are good trainers. My experience is that when I am very strict, it often has an adverse rather than a positive effect on the animal. So I interpreted the transgression as an accident and took the opportunity to show Magic how cool and level headed I am. I just petted him and told him everything would be OK. And we went on our way with me limping a little bit. (He never has stepped on me before and he has had lots of opportunities.)