Lunged Magic in the round pen. Actually today I “lunged” him loose without the lunge line. When I first got him he was accustomed to the lunge line and working him in the round pen without the line excited him. It worked good today. The footing is much better and we cantered a round in each direction. I rode him to the arena. We rode the needlepoint and the oval exercises. We did a lot better today than day before yesterday when we tried these exercises the first time. We rode the 20 meter circle at the walk, trot and canter. It was our first canter. He took the correct lead the first time, counter clockwise, left lead. He took the wrong lead going the other way. I just let him canter down the arena. He has a good canter and it did not seem to excite him too much. I bush hogged some trails going up and down the Oak pasture. Magic and I rode one going up. It is not a good idea as there is too much sticks, stickers and stobs. That will improve with time but it does not work good now. We rode the trail around the Oak pasture and back to the barn. It was a very good ride. We are improving.