Friday, October 19 2012

This little scope of woodland is a favorite. Picture does not do it justice.

First crossing below Steel Creek

Magic and I rode on the Buffalo today. We rode from Steel Creek to Naked Lady Bluff, about 10 miles round trip. I originated this ride specifically mentioning “slow and short”. Magic has been idle for some time and I wanted to be sure not to overdo it. Evelyn, Peggy, Linda, April, Ted and I rode for about five and a half hours. The rides are often 14 miles. There was a 26 mile trip the other day from Woolum to Horn Mountain.  I prefer a shorter ride like the one we did today. It is easier on the horses and the time required is much more acceptable. Good weather, just a little wind, beautiful fall colors and good company. A very nice day. Magic did good. Once or twice he stood still when I wanted to go forward. Not a balk because if I increased the pressure, he moved on. This is the first time I have noticed this behavior. My expectation is that it will not happen again. We paid no attention to it and just went ahead.

Thursday, October 18 2012

Worked and rode Newt in the round pen. It was a brisk, cool morning with a b risque north wind. Newt was very nice until I go on his back. Then there was lots of head shaking. I keep busy turning. He wants to get his head down, wonder why? Just a few little stiff legged lunges and one halt. But we got through it and it was a successful ride. We made two or three rounds at a walk. I was not about to ask for anything faster that a walk. I was hoping to have a good, intentional, balanced dismount. And I did! We rode the Stubben saddle. I will try the Crosby next ride. It seems like a good stiff drink would be a good idea before I get on Newt.

Magic and I are going to ride the Buffalo tomorrow. We loaded into the trailer twice with no trouble or hesitation at all. I am a believer in having a short step up for Magic.

Wednesday, October 17 2012

Rode Magic in the arena and around the Oak Pasture and the Ash Pasture. He had lots of energy, even pranced sideways a little. I have progressed, over the past 10 years, to the point that I am able to ride a eager horse back to the barn on a loose rein. There was a time when the return trip usually meant lots of pressure on the reins. We returned today with just an occasional checking. Nice ride.

Monday, October 8 2012

Rode Magic today. I lunged him rather than the round pen today. We rode in the arena and around the Oak pasture. We cantered a little. He always took the left lead even when I asked for the right. Plenty of energy. Nice ride.

Sunday, October 7 2012

I have been trying to work and ride Glory for two days. Yesterday, just when I had finished ground work and was just about to mount Glory, it started sleeting. I did not think that would be much of a distraction but I noticed the animals were uneasy. Moses went to the house, York stayed as close to me as he could get and all of of the equines stood still and were alert. It didn’t seem like a situation that warranted such concern but I did decide that it might not be the best time to mount a ton of horseflesh that I have not ridden in how long I cannot remember. I put her in her stall to wait out the sleet. I was busy unsaddling and did not notice York at my feet and he got shut in the stall with Glory. When I opened the stall door about 30 minutes later, York quickly made his exit. Glory must be a kind soul or York would have been mashed. When I turned the geldings out, Little More was feeling his oats, rearing and bucking. Then he and Newt raced. Newt has four good legs which is a distinct advantage. Once when he extended his front leg, the hoof looked like it was 3 or 4 feet off the ground. I’ve never noticed anything like that before. Maybe it was the vegetation that made him extend so much and so high. Magic kept his cool and just trotted just a little to get out of the way of the ruckus. He was grazing at the height of the race.
Newt at liberty
Just the best shot I got of the action.

I did get on Glory this morning but she was just a little gimpy so I got off. The lameness was so slight that on the right rein unmounted, it was not noticeable. Glory is a sweet and willing horse.

Thursday, October 4 2012

Worked and rode Newt in the round pen. I tried another saddle and swapped the bit for a halter. It seemed like the halter pressure bothered him more that the bit. So it is probably not the bit that makes him shake his head. I could not tell if the saddle was an improvement or not. It was fun. We will keep working on it.

Wednesday, October 3 2012

I worked and rode Magic in the round pen. We rode up on Shirey Mountain after riding in the arena. Magic is barefoot. There is no consequence when we are in the grass here around the home pastures. It was noticeable on the road up to Shirey where we crossed the limestone outcrop. We jumped a big covey of Bobwhite Quail (abrupt noise and explosion of birds). Magic was cool, just a little quick brace and then he was over it. Nice morning, nice ride.

Tuesday, October 2 2012

I groomed, trimmed, worked and rode Newt in the round pen. They were kicking up their heels this fine cool fall morning. Newt is very good at the ground work, stands untied for grooming, generously gives his head when I pull the rein and moves his hind end over if I just look at his back feet. But when I am on his back I feel it really tests his resolve to be nice and kind to humans. (Oops, I just talked myself into a new saddle!) Lots of turns to keep his attention off me on his back. He never shakes his head except when I am on his back. Once, when contemplating human communication gestures, I thought it was probably arbitrary that yes was a nod and no was a shake of the head. As I learn more about horses, I know horses taught us that a shake of the head meant there is some serious disagreement. Newt did shake his head some this morning but we had a successful ride. I plan to keep at it with little short rides in the round pen until I see a whole lot less shaking goin’ on.

Sunday, September 30 2012

I groomed, trimmed and worked Magic in the round pen today. Then we rode in the round pen, the arena and around the Oak pasture. Magic was very good. I am working on two point balance a little at a time. Very nice morning.